Ivory was born in Ukraine but i found loving home for him in Poland. We are happy to be in touch with all Hiro’s sons. But Ivory lives not far from us and we can visit him and see him on Dog Shows. Ivory is 6 months old now. He has 4 titles of Best […]
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Our decision to have a dog came very spontaneously: one night we just started to look through the web pages of dog’s breeds. There were a lot of arguments: personally I liked wolfhounds, but my husband was absolutely intolerant to this breed (“what for do we need this shabby bearded dog???”). And suddenly we had […]
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29-30 April 2012 were 2 Dog Shows in Mariupol Ukraine. 29 April was CAC DOG SHOW. Azart got exelent mark, CAC,BOS,BOB. Here is the video: Azart is the second dog in the video,with blue velvet coat. His owner in pink beautiful dress)) 30 April Azart got exelent mark, CAC, RCACIB!! We are so proud of […]
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Last spring Hiro was lonely. He was the only Thai Ridgeback Dog in our family. But we chose him wonderful present. We expect Bekky in May 2011 but she arrived almost in summer. But this year they both happy, playing with each other like puppies. Hiro taught Bekky to explore surroundins and she taught him […]
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On Friday me and Bekky went to The Polish Kennel Club. We went here because I have to p annualay member fee and also i wanted to see my friends. Every Friday judges and breeders of V group gather togather to discuss different aspects of breeding, handling, grooming, Dog Shows, famous dogs and kennels and […]
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Bekki’s sister Igla won Eurazia!!!!CAC, CACIB, BOS,BOB!!!!We are so proud of her!best conrats to Ekaterina Soboleva and Tatiana!!! Igla won Eurazia second time in her life.First time she won under Thai judge!!! Igla has numerous titles and also successfully took part in Thai Dog Shows!She is very famous Thai Ridgeback Dog! Also we are very […]
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As I’ve already written my Thai Ridgeback Dogs as others dogs in the world adore go for a walk. Especially when the sun is shinning, when the weather is warm and pleasant! Bekki till the time when she was a puppy love to pick up sticks or balls and give it to us so we […]
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This breed do not need some special care. They have short coat,some of almost hearless. The length of the coat is from 2 mm to 2 sm. So they do not need to be washed often. For example I can wash my Thai Ridgeback Dogs once in half a year. Of course if they have […]
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My Thai Ridgeback Dogs prefer to spend all the time sleeping. Hiro and especially Bekki love to sleep near us. . During day time they sleep in the room where we are. If we change the room they will always follow us. Sometimes they can play a bit with each other or play with their […]
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Our Thai Ridgeback Dog — Bekky becomes more and more beautiful every day! I love to see how she is developes! I’m so happy that I’ve chosen her last year. I do not have any plans to buy a bitch. But when I saw her and realized that it is last litter of famous P.A.T.S.’ […]
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