Blue male puppies of thai ridgeback.


And again this year our kennel took part in worldwide breeding program of Thai Ridgeback Dogs.  One litter was born in polsih kennel near Warsaw,Poland,. All litter consists of blue velvet puppies. There are some pups available. This is the last litter of my Hiro Thai Ponlamaj and Bo Atletico. They have a lot of […]

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New blue-black litter 2020-21


In 2020 year was good for our kennel. First of all in 2019 year we have a litter in Mythaidog Kennel FCI and decidded to keep red handsome puppy in our kennel.

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Two blue males from Emiresky Golfstream


There is a last chance to buy two beautiful male pups from combo Rina and Stream. They are fully vaccianted, dewarmed, have microchip, european vet passports and will have full FCI pedigree. The puppies successfully started socialization and tranning process, they live in a family kennel and spend 24h among people. Puppies from our kennel […]

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Blue Female Puppy For Sale


First time in our kennel ( Mythaidog FCI) were born 4-coloured litter. Dam is import from Thaland  and Sir is my own breeding  from champion bloodline.  Parents are healthy, strong and real protectors and companions dogs.  From this couple I got 9 pups: 4 black, 3 blue 1 red and 1 fawn female.  In their blooodline […]

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Fawn female puppy for sale


First time in our kennel ( Mythaidog FCI) were born 4-coloured litter. Dam is import from Thaland  and Sir is my own breeding  from champion bloodline.  Parents are healthy, strong and real protectors and companions dogs.  From this couple I got 9 pups: 4 black, 3 blue 1 red and 1 fawn female. I am […]

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2 black males puppies available


First time in our kennel you have opportunity to buy excellent quality  pups in attractive  price. In their blooodline imports from Thailand , champions, interchampions, World Winners, vice World Winners, European Winners. We are family kennel. It means that all dogs and pups live inside our house, together with our family. Every day they have […]

>>>>>>>> >>, Thai Blog (UK)

Puppies available 2020


Last year in our Mythaidog Kennel FCI were born 2 litters and 1 litter from my famous Hiro Thai Ponlamaj in friendly kennel Xena-Sawa FCI.

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Happy news!


  Mythaidog Kennel FCI glad to announce that we expect new litter in November-2019. Prouds parents are our Mia (dark blue) and our Shine (dark black). Future pups are very interesting for breeding and show programs. Both parents are champions, healthy ones and  unrelated. In this combination we can find rare red and blue bloodlines. […]

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Top- quality TRD pup.


We had great puppy time autumn 2017-winter 2018. There are 50 pups born in 6 kennels.  All were sold to different countries: Poland, USA, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Belarus. We are more than happy that new owners are very satisfied with our blue Thai Ridgebacks. Some of them take part in dog shows, […]

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thai Ridgeback. Hava’s puppies for sale.


There is a last chance to buy one of beautiful male pups from combo Hava and Hiro. They are fully vaccianted, dewarmed, has microchip, european vet passports and will have full FCI pedigree. The puppies successfully started socialization and tranning process, they live in a family kennel and spend 24h among people. Puppies from our […]

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