And first happy news ! First autumn puppies were born 7/11/2016! Proud parents are Hiro Thai Ponlamaj(blue) and BO Atletico (fawn)! There are 3 males and 3 females in litter «K»! All pups are big, blue velur with nice ridges. No kinck tails, DS not found. My huge congrats to the breeder! If You want […]
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This year all our stud dogs from my kennel — Mythaidog FCI — mated successfully females from other kennels even from different countries. Hiro have had one litter in Latvia already.Pups are sold and are moving to new homes now. Soon he will have 3 more litters. First litter with fawn BO, second litter with […]
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And one more amazing news especially for those who are waiting puppies from this couple. Pregnancy is confirmed. My blue stud dog Hiro and black female Kareen will be proud parents of this litter. And again among forefathers of future pups are World Winners, Vice World Winner, European Winner, Vice European Winners, Multy champions and very […]
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We are more than happy to announce that in second decade of November we expect new litter from very promising couple. Sir of future litter is my black stud dog Shine Right Like Diamonds and Dam is beautiful vivid red Night Keepish Ricotta. From this parents could born all four colours but for sure will be […]
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I am glad to announce one more upcoming litter in 2016! Not only Hiro and his son Shine have litters but now son of Shine and grandson of Hiro — Gula — will become a father! I am very much looking for Hiro’s grandgrandchildren! In September was mating between Gula Maly Des and Taira Z Lasow […]
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I have just got a very cool news! In second half of November 2016 we will have one more litter from our Hiro and fawn girl Bonita of Atletico. Her sister BO Atletico is from another litter but same parents. I think it will be very interesting to compare blue litters from 2 sisters and Hiro. Bonita is […]
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Pups of Thai Ridgeback from previous litter from Hiro and Barcelona soon move to new homes from different countries of the world. We are very glad that all pups quickly found loving owners. We wish them happy long life! Meanwhile was confirmed another happy event in our kennel. We again will have in 4 weeks […]
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As I have already written about German Kennel Royal Williwaw’s in my blog and mentioned their success in training I want to share some videos with this process. Enjoy watching how Thai Ridgeback Dogs are working! Videos from breeder Nina Schuller. Thank you very much Nina for good job!
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. I have a wonderful news! Today my Mia (Kung’s Mythaidog Tycoon) finished Polish Champion! 17/09/2016 in Hunting National Dog Show Mia got her 3 CAC and fulfilled all requirements needed to get this title. Of course Mia also got Best Adul Female and Best of Breed. Thank you very much to honorable judge Zdenka […]
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Thai Ridgeback Dog is very popular breed in Germany. Some people consider that first TRD in Europe appeared in Germany. Since that time they have cultivated and developed this breed. There are a lot of kennels but i want to write about Nina Schuler’s kennel — Royal Williwaw’s. This year in this kennel was born […]
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