Again Dog Shows in USA. First Dog Shows of Lynk!


thai ridgebackIn the end of October in city Sparks in Nevada 2 Thai Ridgeback from the Kennel Regal Thai’s took part in 2 Dog Shows each. In total there were 4 Dog shows.
And their results are:
Regal Thai’s Singhto got BOBx2 BOG-2, BOG-1! Sighto New Champion of USA!
Regal Thai’s Chain of Memories  — Lynk got BOBx2, BOG-2, BOG-1, RBIMBS and became Candidate to Champion of USA. He needds only one more win.

I congratulate Lorrie and Gina with Singhto’s victories and very happy about his results!

I’m also very proud of Lynk because of 2 reasons.

First of all because he achived such great and impressive results on his first dog shows!

Second because he is my Hiro’s son and I’m very pleased that his pups continues his Dog Shows’s career!
Again my congrats to Lorrie and La Dean!