We are expecting puppies in November 2013!


. We are Expecting new litter in Germany from our Hiro Thai Ponlamaj: JCH.PL, CH.BLR, CH.PL, CH.R, GCH.R, 4XCH.UA, CH.LUX, INT.CH,Young Club Winner of Poland 2009, European Centuary Dog Show Winner 2011,Vice World Winner 2011,Legionowo Winner 2011, East Cup Winner 201114 CACIB, 1 RCACIB from WDS 2011, 15 CAC, 4 JCAC, 18 BOB Candidate to […]

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Hiro’s son Shine got 2 new titles!


XXVII Autumn Dog Show for Dogs of all breed. 06.10.2013 in Nowy Dwor mazowiecki was holden Dog Show. There were registered more than 800 dogs. We arrived excatly on time and Shine immediatly went to the ring with his handler. The judge liked him very much. His results are: 1 ex., JCAC, Best Junior and […]

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Thai Ridgeback Dog and agility.


I think that Thai Ridgeback Dog is a universal breed. Thesse dogs are suitable for lazy people and active people. They are excellent family friends with whom you can go on short or long slaww walks or spend a lot of time at home where they immediatly go to bad. But if you are active […]

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Register of Hiro’s Puppies’ Merit


The stud dog of my Kennel FCI Mythaidog — Hiro Thai Ponlamaj has 8 litters and in total  34 puppies. They are of  different age and colour.  Hiro has 20 daughters and 14 sons.  We are glad that a lot of them take part in Dog Shows and have achived excellent results.  I think that […]

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Dog Shows in USA.


And again excellent news from USA. Lorrie Breen took part in 4 Dog Shows 2 weeks ago.  She entered with Regal Thai’s Noori and Regal Thai’s Black Rock Shooter. The results of Thai Ridgeback Dogs are: Noori 4x best female and 1 BOB, 1 BOG and got the title Champion of USA!!! Black Rock Shooter […]

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Dog Shows in Ukraine


Meanwhile youngerst son of Hiro — Mythaidog Shine Right Like Diamonds (Shine) started succesfully his career in Poland the eldest son of Hiro — Azart succesfully continued his show career. He took part in 2 dog Shows in Ukraine (Doneck): 14.09.13 — CAC_UA «Golden Autumn» judge Igor Semenenko, 15.09.13 — CACIB-FCI «Proud of Donbas» judge […]

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Dog Shows in Belarus.


In the capital of belarus — Minsk were hold two International Dog Shows (CACIB): 7 of September 2013 — Winner of Belarus 2013 8 of September 2013 — Summer of Belarus 2013. Three Thai Ridgeback Odgs were registered for these dog Shows. Among them was a bitch of my breeding — Mythaidog Spice Girl The […]

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Dog Shows 14-15/09/2013


Thai Ridgeback Dog of my breeding Mythaidog Shine Rigth Like Diamonds (Hiro Thai PonlamajXMidnight Music Back To The Future) this weekend starts his career in junior class. Shine won his first title Junior Club Winner 2013 and became the candidate to JCH of Poland.  Our results: 14.09.2013 Warsaw Dog Show of all breeds САС: 1 […]

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How puppies develope?


Puppies of different breeds are born with different size and weight but all of them are born blind and deaf. Average weight of newborn cubs is 450 grams. The average litter consists of 5 pups. Litters of 12 pups are born rarely. In the early days of his life puppy sleeps 90% of the time, […]

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Thai Ridgeback Dog: grooming, treatment.


Thai Ridgeback Dog is naturaly very clean breed. They do not smell and has short and smoothy coat. More about coat you can read here. The coat do not need special grooming. Enough to wash them twice a year or before Dog shows. While changing coat you need only to brush them couple of times […]

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